Nacho Navarro como Employee Experience

Stratesys has appointed Nacho Navarro as Global Chief People officer. Professional in Business Administration and graduated from Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, Nacho is now responsible of the People and Employee Experience area (which entails Human Resources, among others), managing a team of 850 professionals, distributed in the eight countries where the company is present.

During a great deal of his career, Nacho Navarro has focused on the field of national and international consulting and transformation projects of this area. His time in Capgemini, where he carried out the role of Human Resources Deputy Director and previously, Responsible of the Human Capital Solutions business unit, is worth mentioning.

As Chief People Officer in Stratesys, he directs the People’s policy in a context of growth, digital transformation and innovation, following the Strategic Plan designed by the company, for the next five years.  Among other aspects, he leads the evolution of the area based on the Employee Experience model, as well as the onboarding of 700 professionals, most of them within the “Build your Future” talent recruitment program, directed to recent graduates.